The Clay County Commission received a $125,000 grant

Posted: Feb. 13, 2018 | Source: Clay County Free Press

The Clay County Commission received a $125,000 grant to help grow high speed internet in Calhoun, Clay, and Roane Counties. Part of the funds will be used to hire a consultant to guide us, as we move forward, developing our plan to provide the citizens of our counties with broadband.

Each county has formed a broadband committee to work toward our goal of growing high speed internet in our counties. The committee members in Clay County are: John Boyce, Angela Brown, Mitchell Deboard, Andy Haynes, Jerry Linkinoggor, Connie Lupardis, Barry McCune, Joe Paxton, and Mike Shamblin. Terry Martin of the Regional Development Council serves as a consultant for the committee.

The West Virginia Development Office will be asking for applications for $3.2 million set aside for broadband in 5 distressed counties, through the Appalachian Regional Commission. Those counties are Clay, Lincoln, McDowell, Mingo and Webster. The future looks very bright for growing broadband in Clay County. Of the five eligible counties, only Clay and Webster have applied for broadband funds.