- March 13, 2018
- 11:30 AM
- Elk Valley Christian School
Benefit Luncheon for Mr. Jack Suttle
Date: March 13, 2108
Time: Lunch – 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Location: Elk Valley Christian School
Menu: BBQ, slaw, chips, dessert, drink
Cost: $7 per meal, $3.50 sandwich only
As many of you already know, our principal, Mr. Jack Suttle has been facing many health challenges in recent days. He has given so much dedication, love, and time to Elk Valley Christian School. He has not been well enough to return to school and we miss him greatly. As a faculty and as an EVCS family, it is our turn to pay it forward. Mr. Suttle and Nancy are now facing a new journey before them and we are blessed that we get to show them our love and support.