Excitement is in the air as the 1st Annual Clendenin Homecoming Festival quickly approaches. June 22-24, 2018 the Town of Clendenin will welcome guests from near and far to witness the progress of a once flood ravaged town and to celebrate the rebirth of the community. The resilience and spirit of those who call Clendenin and the Elk River home is remarkable and unmistakable.
The Clendenin Homecoming Committee is a growing group of local citizens working tirelessly since last year to plan and coordinate the upcoming festival. In addition to the carnival and parade, the festival will feature numerous activities like a kayak race, horseshoe tournament, fishing tournament, numerous concerts, fireworks, craft and food vendors, and so much more. See below for a complete list of the festival agenda. Craft/sales and food vendor applications are still being accepted, so it is not too late to register for a booth.

2018 Clendenin Homecoming Festival Pageant winners: (L-R) Teen Queen Lauren Gorma, Queen Charley Clayton, and Mrs. Queen Alicia Casto
The Clendening Homecoming Festival recently crowned its royalty at the recent Clendenin Homecoming Festival Pageant. Winners included Teen Queen Lauren Gorma, Queen Charley Clayton, and Mrs. Queen Alicia Casto. The Children’s Pageant Royalty includes: Baby Mister-Zachary Brake II, Little Mister-Wyatt Russell, Baby Miss-McKenna Garnes, Tiny Miss-Sophia Casto, Little Miss-Grace Fletcher, and Junior Miss-Natalie Donohew.
Various businesses in Clendenin have re-opened their doors and new businesses have made Clendenin their home since the June 2016 Flood; however, to date, Clendenin does not have a hotel. Many who attend the festival will stay with family and friends in the area; however some may seek other accommodations. There are hotels in neighboring towns, including nearby Elkview, and local Bed and Breakfast’s in and around Clendenin. Country Road House & Berries is located in Clendenin and has a Bed & Breakfast, along with the best strawberries in the area. You can contact them for room availability at (304) 553-5761 or by visiting their website.
Airbnb and Home Away are also great places that you can search for places to stay during the festival. Both Airbnb and Home Away are online marketplaces which lets people rent out their properties or spare rooms to guests. If you live in Clendenin or the surrounding areas and you are interested in learning how you can earn extra money by renting your room(s) and/or property during the Festival, here are some great resources:
In preparation for the festival, the Town of Clendenin along with the Kanawha County Commission, Chuck Grishaber with the Kanawha County Planning Department, and 25045- A New Clendenin, are sponsoring an Elk River Cleanup in Clendenin on June 9. Volunteers are asked to meet at Smith’s Foodfair parking lot at 9AM. View more details HERE.
Friday, June 22
6:00 PM: Myers Amusements Carnival (Across from the Post Office)
7:00 PM: Audio Outlaws Concert (Main Street Stage)
Saturday, June 23
8:00 AM: Horseshoe Tournament Registration (Railroad Track)
9:00 AM: Opening Ceremony (The Gazebo)
9:00 AM: All craft and food vendors open (Main St. & Maywood Ave)
9:00 AM: Kayak Race (Begins at Queen Shoals Bridge River Access)
10:00 AM – 6:00 PM: The Hoppy Express – from Smith’s Lot to Main Street and Back
11:00 AM: Horseshoe Tournament (Railroad Track)
12:00 PM: Parade Lineup (Poca Valley Bank)
12:00 PM: Carnival Opens (Across from the Post Office)
2:00 PM: Duck Race (Old Bridge to New Bridge)
4:00 PM: Royalty Coronation (Main Street Stage)
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM: Joanna Young Concert (Main Street Stage)
6:30 PM: Adam Tucker Meet & Greet (Main Street Stage area)
7:30 PM: Adam Tucker Concert (Main Street Stage)
After Adam Tucker Concert: Fireworks by Zambelli’s (on hill behind Smith’s lot)
Sunday, June 24
6:30 AM: Fishing Tournament (details on Facebook Event: Elk River Fishing Tournament)
5:00 PM: Fishing Tournament Awards (Main Street Stage)
Sponsors for the Clendenin Homecoming Festival include First Bank of Charleston, Pulmonary Associates, Poca Valley Bank, Shafer Equipment, Charleston Blueprint, FYAO, Cabin Creek Health Systems, Cantrell’s Florist, Houff Transfer, Teays River Construction Company, The Yak House, Kanawha County Commission, O.V. Smith and Sons, Inc., Town of Clendenin, and The Clendenin Leader.
You can stay up-to-date with The Clendenin Homecoming Festival by visiting their Facebook page.